Cloud ERP: Helping Manufacturers Keep Up with the Times

Cloud ERP: Helping Manufacturers Keep Up with the Times

Manufacturing today is very different than that of yesterday. Get the latest research report from analyst firm Mint Jutras on how enterprise applications like ERP in the cloud are enabling manufacturers to succeed in a rapidly changing landscape.
This informative paper, Cloud ERP: Helping Manufacturers Keep Up with the Times, details how cloud ERP systems are enabling manufacturers to improve planning, visibility and speed. Based on a survey of more than 260 manufacturing professionals, this study outlines:
  • How a cloud deployment enables faster innovation and execution
  • Why cloud ERP encourages more usage by personnel, including executives
  • Why cloud is now the first choice for new deployments
  • How cloud ERP adoption will double in manufacturing and distribution.

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The world’s #1 cloud ERP provider for manufacturing, NetSuite helps thousands of manufacturing organizations like Jawbone, Lytro and RedBuilt streamline and run their entire business in the cloud. For more information about NetSuite’s manufacturing solutions, contact us today!