With the 2015.2 release of NetSuite’s business management platform right around the corner, Aminian Business Services would like to provide you with a quick summary of the new features and enhancements that will soon be available in your NetSuite account.
Twice a year, NetSuite’s phased product upgrades provide customers with improved functionality and usability. From early-August through mid-September, NetSuite will begin rolling out their 2015.2 release. For current customers and those looking at NetSuite for their next business management platform, the 2015.2 release promises to bring a wealth of useful new features and functionality designed to help you disrupt your industry. Below is a sneak preview of the new features included in the 2015.2 release.
New SuiteCommerce InStore, empowering store associates to engage shoppers while using a mobile device to access complete inventory and customer information.
New site management tools for advanced content management.
New procurement dashboard for purchasing managers and buyers to see everything they need to know about procurement in a single place.